Tuesday, October 30, 2007

DPoD October 28th - TRAIN PINS!

Aunt H stopped by recently and had something incredibly special for the little WB's.(I once again apologize for the delay in this). She came in the front door wearing some very special momentos for the boys. She showed them not only pins, but train pins. And not any ordinary train pins...these were 'team name' train pins. Acquired through some aggressive on-line auctioning, these little beauties were the result of searching and scavenging on the internet, then outbidding international competition to bring them home. I think that there are some collectors in the UK who may be monitorring this blog now to find out just who are the lucky owners of their sought-after treasures. Gentlemen, I hope that these smiles make you as happy as these little guys are.

The boys were both VERY excited. Monkey chose the pin with the team name prominently displayed at the bottom. His smile is still ear to ear and we have to remember each day to take it off before it ends up in the laundry. He wears it with pride and is eager to tell everybody about what the pin is all about.

Big C had the pin put on him, but needed to make his own close inspection to check it out. It went something like this:

'hmmm, what's this new thing on my chest?'
'it looks like, but it can't be...no way...really???'


(this really was a look of joy)

Thank you Aunt H.

We love them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You guys are too sweet. It's my pleasure. Glad the boys like the pins :-)