Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Canberra Day 2

On our Saturday in Canberra we were able to share the pancakes and Canadian maple syrup that Saje had prepared for breakfast with our amazing host family. After we'd all had our fill of maple-y deliciousness we met up with some of the other Canadians at Mount Ainsley. The view provides an excellent perspective of this pre-planned city and all of its organization. Here is Big C after he climbed the stairs to the highest view on the mountain.
...and here's the WB family as a whole with the city in behind us. The clouds and mist just cleared out of the way int time for this photo.
Next, we followed our Australian hosts to the National Gallery in Canberra. 
Frank, our art teacher host who'd exchanged to Kamloops in 2011, took us on a tour of the indigenous art. Here's Big C standing outside the 'reflection room' - which is surrounded by water and has an spherical interior. We were told that it  hosts the most amazing sunrises and sunsets, but as it was approaching mid-day we were only able to sit in silent wonder and watch the clouds drift by above. The indoor artwork was outstanding and having our artist tour guide added incredible depth to the stories and meaning behind the artistry. 

Saje and Monkey enjoyed some of the other outdoor artwork (photos were discouraged indoors as a sign of respect to the indigenous peoples). Monkey in particular enjoyed how half of the shapes made him seem very tall.

Monkey also particularly enjoyed the large artwork that looks a lot like an enormous soccer ball. 

 Following our tour of the National Gallery we took off for the Fyshwyck markets for lunch. It was an outstanding decision as the boys scored a great deal on sausages outside at the Salvos (otherwise known as the Salvation Army) barbecue while Saje scored an amazing kebab (otherwise known as a shwarma). Big C enjoyed checking out all of the citrus fruit, free samples and yellow watermelons! I think that he;d have stayed there all day.
 The grown-ups meanwhile found their own things to enjoy. Saje found the other Canadians and took in the wine tasting while Dave went off in search of craft beers in behind. He most certainly did not leave empty handed :)
 As the adults chatted and shared stories over wine, the boys took in the local musicians that played throughout the lunchhour. They're really bonding and growing in so many ways throughout the days and weeks.
 We've truly enjoyed the times in Australia where we get to learn and live as the Australians do. All of the little 'out of the way' places and 'best of' local moments are truly shaping our travels in amazing ways. We look forward to seeing where the locals will lead us next.

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