Thursday, May 21, 2015

The Job of a Stay At Home Mom

A couple of years ago, when I was not a stay at home mom, I heard a sermon about how SAHMs can help with the family finances, even if they are not bringing in an income.  The pastor told us that SAHMs can be frugal in the use of family resources.  This means making appliances last longer, conserving resources like water and the like to reduce bills, buying a few high quality items that will last rather than many poor quality items that will need replacing quickly and just generally being fiscally resonsible.

As this is my role this year I am taking it quite seriously.  I often pop around to the grocery store after dropping the children off at school to check out the "reduced to clear" (about to hit their best before date" food items.  Today was an especially good haul!  

From to left to right: 4kg of recently expired protein powder for $30, 3 packs of chicken sausages for $3.30, 3 1kg packs of minced kangaroo for $4.07, a rump steak for $2 and yoghurt for $1.91.  I was so pleased about my sweet haul that I posted about it on Facebook.  
The overarching message was that the North Americans needed time to process that I bought kangaroo.  So let me distract you for a minute before I address the kangaroo issue.

In Canada Wolf Blass is good wine.  Not the most amazing on the market by any stretch, but good wine. The kind of wine that a SAHM might try to purchase in limited quantity. This stuff here is absolute rubbish.  No two ways about it.  It's not worth the $8 investment.  I was *trying* to be fiscally responsible! But it is crap. We bought a few bottles a while back and are now forced to live with the consequences.  As a fiscally responsible SAHM I firmly believe that we should not waste it, so, despite its lesser quality, we are forced to drink it.

It isn't easy to be a SAHM, but I'm learning as I go.
Back to the kangaroo.  In true fusion style (and my complete lack of creativity) I made it in to tacos.  So kangaroo with some onion, garlic and navy beans all cooked up together.
I even managed to incorporate the yoghurt!
Kangaroo taco fusion family selfie!
Dave and Big C took the fusion one full step further by having their seconds on pita bread.

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