Saturday, May 16, 2015

Sometimes I Open my Mouth and my Mother Comes out.

As a child, adult, I still do this, I am one to leave my messes behind me when I leave a room.  Crumbs on the table or counter used to drive my mother to distraction.  Eventually the only real solution to that was to move out.

 So the other day Big C was setting the table.  The table was not clean.  I said to him "but that table is FILTHY, it is COVERED in crumbs. He looked at the 20 or so crumbs on the table and looked back at me, very confused.
 Oh snap.  My mother and I had that same conversation in the 80s and 90s.  Many. Times.

1 comment:

Carol Badenoch said...

Hm-m -- the "only solution" was moving out. OK moving out v.s. cleaning up crumbs. Moving out was REALLY easier?? I suspect Big C will someday tell someone to clean up the crumbs. Not sure moms are ever vindicated, but perhaps, occasionally a little better understood.