Friday, May 1, 2015

Norman **there are arachnids in this post!

While we were away in Tasmania I left my Ultimate Sandbag in the living room at home.  Norman here decided to take up residence.  I don't blame him.  There were three solid uninterrupted weeks there.
 If I'm honest, he likely had a few weeks before we left that the sandbag wasn't getting he had some time to get comfortable.

So you can well imagine our shared fright when I suddenly picked up the sandbag again and he most unceremoniously fell out and on to my foot.

Poor Norman.  He darted under the couch to get his bearings.  I yelped, but realized quickly that he was only a Huntsman, and not scary.  I caught him and released him.  The last we saw of Norman, he was scampering up the garage wall.

Sorry buddy, only one of us gets to live in the house.

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