Saturday, May 2, 2015

The Boy's Cross Country Meet

Thursday was the school cross country meet.  The younger kids ran 2km an the older kids ran 3km.  Monkey was keen to place in his 3km race and has been practicing quite a bit.

BigC's class wasn't going to run, but he was permitted to run if I was able to supervise him.  He opted not to run 2km with his 9 year old peers, but rather to run 3km with Monkey and HIS peers.
 They both ran tremendously hard.  Monkey was visibly giving it all that he had.  He held on to second place until the last 10m when he was passed and he came in a solid 5th place.  He will advance on to the zone competition in a couple of weeks.

 BigC placed high;y as well, though it got a bit murky about just how well he may or may not place as he gave a FAKE NAME when he crossed the finish line!!  He was terrified of going to the zone competition with the 12 year olds and he came in first of the 9 year olds...because he started in advance of them and ran an extra does in my head.  We promised that he would not have to go to zone and they put him down as 10th place for the 9 year olds.

I am incredibly proud of these two boys.  Please don't ask Monkey if he got a ribbon, he is devastated that they were only awarded to the top 3 finishers.

1 comment:

Carol Badenoch said...

Grandma Carol is SO-O proud of both of you. I can tell by the smiles that you are pleased also. Mommy can coach Monkey about pacing the entire course so as not to get passed near the end. Big C, you showed such courage and energy to run with the 12-year olds. That was very brave and proves how strong and fast you are.