Wednesday, May 20, 2015


On our way home from the Gold Coast we stopped in Sydney to grab something.  While we were there I spotted a kebab shop. "kebab" is Australian for shawarma.  Confusing, I know. Once I sorted out that little mystery a few months ago I was on fire.
 About two doors down from the shawarma place that is in the Australian Witness Relocation Program was an "op shop", better known as a second hand store.  It's not even sensible to suggest that I wouldn't be having a solid look.  But wait, it get's better!

In a cardboard box labled "free or by donation" were dumbells. They are only 3.5kg, but beggers can't be choosers and I am missing my Canadian home gym, so I tested them out first...
Yup, they are dumbells.  Ordered kebab and then asked A to keep an eye on them while I went in to the shop to make my donation.  Under her watchful eye they managed to escape by rolling in to the street, a busy street at that.  No bother for a woman who had just done not just the 21k Spartan that I did, but put her shoes BACK ON afterwards and went and did a 7k victory lap just for good measure.
Weights rescued from the street, we carried our kebabs and dumbells to the car and headed for Mudgee.
Welcome to Mudgee dumbells.  You made it a heck of a lot further than your former roomate, the yummy kebab.

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