Friday, September 11, 2015

A Birthday Bushwalk Featuring a Dog and A Goat....what else?

Joan and I got together today to celebrate the fact that I recently got just slightly older.  We headed up to Hill End and went for a hike bush walk.  Off in the distance I see a horse tied to the side of the road.  
Or a very large dog and a goat.  Of course. Why can't I just go for normal bush walks?
 These two friends opted to walk with us for our bush walk.  We had to keep a close eye on the goat as it was pretty head butty and neither of us was keen to catch the horns in the nether bits.
This reminded me very much of a time over a decade ago that a rugby team called The Goats goat-napped a random goat and brought it to an Indians Rugby tournament...if you want to hear more of that story I'll be happy to fill you in.  It didn't end well for the stupid humans, I'll give you that much.  Goats are special.
 So we walked, and we saw lovely scenery.

And we giggled.  A lot.  Who doesn't bush walk with a random dog and a random goat?

The scenic view at the end of the trail was awesome.  I would also like to point out that this is a HUGE drop and there is no fence, guardrail or even a sign to warn you of impending death.  The Australians are tough as nails as a rule.

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