Friday, September 18, 2015

Even the Birds!

It is commonly understood that the spiders, snakes, crocodiles and more are out to kill Australians. I've said many times that they are a hearty bunch.

Now the birds are in on things.  It is "Magpie swooping season". This sign is up at the kid's school.  Well, they were up.  The signs all blew down and no one cares.

Magpies are a pain because this time of year they are territorial.  They have eggs/chicks and want to protect them.  The goal of the magpie is to swoop down and bite your ears until you leave.  Generally this is an issue when you are running but it is worse when you are cycling apparently.  I suppose it would be difficult to ride a bike and flail in all directions and not wipe out.  
People go to great lengths to modify their helmets to try to deter the birds.  This is a thing here!
It can actually be quite scary!

 I can only imagine what the Canadians would do in light of swooping birds attacking children at school.  I am picturing helmets, cages around the school yards, dead birds and professional bird catchers. Oh won't somebody think of the children?!?!?

The Australians put up these signs, tell the kids to stay in groups so they look bigger and then suggest that they not throw things at the birds.

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