Tuesday, September 22, 2015

The Mile on Mitchell

We woke up and discovered that there were fences set up all along the road that our hostel is on.  Odd, but maybe that's normal?  Hard to know.  It turns out hat the "hottest mile in the southern hemisphere" is taking place right on our street!

There is nothing to do with that infraction except for REGISTER! So when I got to the registration tent the woman tried to convince me to register in the "elite heat" along with the women from Japan and Australia'so national team who just returned from competing in the US.  Apparently the top 10 women finishers would get prizes and there were only 11 women in the race.  I passed. Coming in dead last is just not for me!

I ran in the "open heat" I'm a time of 7:30.43 according to my Garmin.

  I am very pleased with that result!   I happily claimed my medal.  It says that I am a "finisher".  Who knew that word had 2 of the letter "i" in it?
The women's elite heat was awesome to watch!  These women moved like greased lightening!  Well, except for number 10 and 11.  They jogged at a nice slow pace.  Maybe I could have beaten them to claim the $100 tenth place prize after all?  We'll never know if they would have sped up if I had been there too.
The race finishers also received socks with their registration.  Awesome!  So much better than a shirt that I will never wear again.
One of the heats was a fun run where everyone dressed up.  I got a photo of a bunch of the groups, this one is for my mom:

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