Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Wave Pool Day!

I set my running stuff out last night to be sure that I had minimal excuses in the morning.I did a lovely 5k around the waterfront area. I am recovering from an uncomfortable sinus cold, so a slow 5k was good enough for me. Not to mention that it was pretty warm at 7:30 am!
 Darwin has a waterfront that is more crocodile than human friendly.  They have wisely oped to put in a fabulous outdoor wave pool to give people somewhere to hang out.
 The kids just loved the experience.  Surprisingly BigC was all over the boogie boarding.  He spent HOURS in the water perfecting his technique.
 We had a great base and all took turns in and out of the water.
 BigC was more than happy to get me out and show me the tricks.
 At times the waves were actually taller than Dave!
 BigC found a nice shaded area to hang out in fo the last hour or so.
We used different sunscreen today and both kids have varying degrees of burn on their arms. Monkey's looks like it might be rather painful as the evening goes on.  We got our Rocky Mountain Soap Company burn soother stick on both kids straight away, so hopefully this on last long.

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