Saturday, September 12, 2015

Boys' weekend

This weekend Saje was off across the country on another amazing adventure. 
As such, it was time for a boys' weekend.
The boys had seen Saje off at the door and were able to hold back tears instantly ask about what we could eat and where we could go.
Saturday morning we all enjoyed suped up pancakes with strawberries in the side. After putting together our lunch and snacks for the day, we headed off to a local winery for their 'Fun Day'.
Unfortunately, everything had a hefty price tag with it, but the boys were undaunted.  They expressed very clearly that they felt it wasn't worth the cost - very mature of them- so we were off to other places.
Like the local dump/recycling centre. 
We only stopped by to check it out and stop by the pound to perhaps pet a dog (but it was closed) when we found the 'rescue shop'.
The boys were overjoyed to rummage around and look for treasures.  Big C chose carefully and picked out spy gear and hot wheels items all for $1.40. 
I scooped up a little piece of Canadiana and two pint glasses for just 60 cents!
Best shopping trip ever! 
(special trivia question for Saje - what is the item that we picked up for the kitchen??)

 After lunch and play at a park in Mudgee we had yet to visit
 We headed home so that Big C could try out his new items and I could take my pint glass out for a spin.
This is my version of the weekend office. I'm now at a point where I am planning a few weeks ahead and fortunately, many of the topics I have left to teach are ones that I've already taught back in Ottawa. Woo hoo!
 After a brief nap (I haven't enjoyed one of those on a Saturday afternoon in years) I was awoken to the whispers that the 'Tea Cup cafe' was open.
I placed my order and thoroughly enjoyed my snack.
After a 2nd barbecue dinner (last night was burgers, tonight was sausages) we settled in for an episode of 'Animal Airport' on Aussie TV followed by our movie matinee of 'Muppets in Space'
I made sure to finish off boys' Saturday with s'mores by the fire made with Tim Tams and/or Cadbury chocolate.

We miss you 
wish you were here
can't wait for you to come back home.


Carol Badenoch said...

In our last Skype and phone call, did the boys describe this as a "man weekend?" How very appropriate. I can see how happy "my" fellas are. Missing all of you!

Carol Badenoch said...

Big C, it's nice to see that the Tea Cup was open in time to serve Daddy. It was closed the last time you sent me pictures. The menu looks very appetizing. Will you be opening another location once you return home? Maybe you'll serve me a Flat Top when you get back to Ottawa.

Christy said...

My guess for the kitchen is a garlic press!