Here are the boys at the top of the sand dunes. A great place to have lunch (later) or to take the steps down to the water's edge. I remember going here lots and lots of times as a kid either with my grandma W or with mom. It was always loads of fun and I have a lot of great memories from here, so I was overjoyed to take the boys.
When we arrived the boys went right in. After a brief time in the water cooling off the boys were interested in making sandcastles. Well, let's make that creating sandcastles then destroying them with a storm of water from the bucket. While Monkey was busy swinging the water bucket on the sand, Big C was in the water getting swung around by grandpa. Daddy and Monkey joined in the fun too, with resounding calls of 'Again, again' as soon as we stopped for even a brief moment.
After an hour or two in the sunshine and several reapplications of sunscreen, we were off to the clearing for lunch. Aunt K had made some sandwiches and we also enjoyed some cherries, watermelon, crackers and cheese. Yummy!! Lunch ended with a few rounds of ring aournd the rosey - the first time with just the boys and cousin H, the second with grandma joining in. I think the boys are really in it for the falling down part, but they sing along happily up until that point.
Soon enough we were back for another stint in the water before heading back to grandma and grandpa's place for a snack. Since the boys were really interested in ice cream cones by the lake, we opted for ice cream cones at grandma and grandpa's house. Monkey had two and was really appreciative.
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