Saturday, July 5, 2008

Great customer service by OC Transpo

Friday morning Mr I's wallet slipped out of his pocket on the bus. It contained $70 in Candian currency and 10 Euros. It also contained his visitor bus pass. The teachers at his school called OC Transpo but got the usual answer "it'll take a couple of days for it to make it's way to the lost and found if someone turns it in. Come by in a couple of days." Basically, wait and see.

Whenever we have a student stay with us we slap our family label stickers on everything. Bus passes included. I didn't know anything about the lost wallet. On Friday afternoon I received two phone calls from the dispatch office of OC Transpo. When I called them back I was worried that Mr I was lost. They filled me in on the wallet and bus pass that had been found. They went on to say that they would be sending a car out to deliver it to our house.

Wow! That is great customer service. I know that the WB family and Mr I really appreciated it.

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