We are the parents of two young children. This seems to mean that every moment of their lives are captured on film. Wait, I'm showing my age with that comment! Every moment is captured digitally and then uploaded to our blog! I am starting to wonder if that will always be the case. When I wonder if that will always be the case I start to wonder if the fact that I am wondering it will mean that I will soon stop doing that.
I wonder!
Today is Saturday so Monkey had soccer practice. Off to soccer we go in the green train. Yes that is a sledgehammer in the back of the green train. It helps with discipline issues that might arise ; )
He is in the red hat.
Gimme the camera mommy...
I wanna randomly take pictures of Mrs Bussey
lots of them
just 'cause I like to press the buttons
Monkey as the British Bulldog
Big C hanging with Mr Bussey
Mr I chatting in Spanish with our friend from Uruguay.

There you have it. A photo montage of the morning soccer practice. I noticed that Dave also has a slew of photos from the afternoon spent playing in the pool and with the hose. This, is a lot of photos. They will start to call us the paparazzi.
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