Sunday, July 6, 2008

DPoD July 5 - Back on track

After soccer we went to the Bussey's place for a little lunch. To Mr. I's delight I am sure we had hot dogs on the barbecue. I am quite sure that he's convinced we don't do almost any cooking at all inside. I assured him that only during the summer months do we barbecue like this.
Upon our return home I thought I'd take a page out of the Bussey handbook and get some water action going in the back yard. The kids laughed and giggled. Particularly Big C. His favourite was the Splash Rocket and I happily got some photo evidence of him playing with it.
He quietly nestles the rocket onto the base
He makes sure that it's steady and that the countdown has begun
Knowing that his brither is about to hit the switch to make the water blast off the rocket, he starts to run as fast as his little legs will carry hime since he knows what's coming (laughter ensues)
Then he's at a full sprint by the time that it even gets to his height off the ground, but he's certainly not looking back
And dashes to stay dry.Thanks mommy for getting us such wonderful toys!
PS - Sunday the boys were at it again, however this time Mr. I joined in on the fun, mostly with the 'water hose' spraying the boys down in a full on water fight!!!

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