Since Dave and the boys are away, and Mr I is in Niagara Falls I have a couple of options.
1-Party like a rock star
2-Paint the master bedroom and sleep in a race car bed to avoid the fumes
Those of you who know me know that option 1 is laughable unless the party starts around 6 and ends by 11 so that I can go to bed!
Thinking that I will surprise Dave, I tell everyone that I am going to paint the bedroom to surprise Dave. Apparently in my infinite suprise-master-ness I also told Dave about 2 weeks ago-genius, he'll never crack the code if I tell him EXACTLY WHAT I AM PLANNING!!
I didn't get a "before" shot but I got some shots once I started tearing apart our end of the house. We have a lot of furniture in the room, I knew that. It is a whole big pile when you have to move it all into the centre of the room and paint around it.
Mr Bussey came over and helped me move some of the bigger stuff. What a nice guy.

At one point I looked up and swore. I know full well that we have a cathedral ceiling in our bedroom. Why it didn't dawn on me that I would now have to fit a ladder in among the piles of furniture escapes me. So I drag up the ladder and start to cut in up high. Really, really high.

I thought that it would be neat to get a shot of me on the ladder to show just how high up it was. I was painting by myself and perhaps a little bored. Anyhow, it seemed like a good idea to set the timer and then race for the ladder. I set the camera up and ran over to the ladder...and tripped and stubbed my toe just as the shutter clicked. Awesome! If only the picture could show the pained expression on my face. At least that was the only ladder related injury for the day.

Here's the shot I worked so hard for.

Done the first colour. I did two bedroom walls and the little hallway that leads into our room in this colour. Mr Bussey hauled his cookies over again (after feeding me supper-thanks guys!!) to help move the big stuff back against the walls so that I could tackle the sitting area.

Got the space cleared out and ready to start the blue.

We have blue on two walls. The one around the fireplace and the one over the small window.

Another high wall. You'll have to take my word for it that I was up there. I wasn't risking another photo of me on that ladder.

First coat of brown and I am packing it in for the night. It is going to take a couple of hours to be ready for a second coat in this humidity. I am tired and just can't do another coat. Even to bring the adventure to a close. I put all of the painting stuff in the fridge, ate some questionably old leftover pad thai, wrote this post and am going to go and pick my favorite race car bed to sleep in.

Looks GREAT so far! Can't wait to see the finished pictures :)
WOW -- looks great!
Why on earth are you operating a camera and a ladder at the same time?! ;-)
Saje, only you would be crazy enough to paint a master bedroom by yoursel
LOL Heather! I totally knew that you would see it coming when I started to type the words. I almost put in a comment in the post to say (now Heather can see what would be coming next...).
Saje-I don't learn my lesson-WB
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